1) Castle says his favorite basketball player is... a) Michael Jordan b) LeBron James c) Kevin Durant d) Steph Curry 2) What is Ghost's first name? a) King b) Otis c) David d) Cranshaw e) Castle 3) What is Ghost's favorite sport? a) TRACK b) BASEBALL c) BASKETBALL d) TENNIS e) FOOTBALL f) SOCCER 4) How did Castle's Dad end up in prison? a) Stealing b) Drugs c) Shooting at his family 5) What does Ghost like to eat everyday? a) SUNFLOWER SEEDS b) TAKIS c) SUNFLOWERS d) ICE CREAM e) POP-TARTS f) CANDY 6) Who is Mr. Charles? a) Store owner b) His Dad c) His Grandpa d) His Uncle e) Everything Sports cashier f) His track coach 7) What book does Mr. Charles give to Castle? a) Charlotte's Web b) Flipped c) Bud, Not Buddy d) Guinness Book of World Records 8) "I TOLD YOU, KID.  YOU'RE ONE OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST."   Who said this to Castle? a) His Dad b) Coach c) His Mom d) Mr. Charles 9) What does Ghost/Castle associate running with? a) Cool shoes b) Work c) Fun d) a gun shot 10) Who gave Castle the nickname Ghost? a) Himself b) His mom c) Mr. Charles d) His Dad 11) What is the track team's name? a) The Tigers b) The Defenders c) The Bobcats d) The Bullies 12) What does Coach say Castle will get better at by joining the track team? a) Juggling b) Skiing c) Exercising d) Basketball 13) What does Coach do for a living? a) Drives a taxi b) Sells shoes c) Coaches track d) Works in a hospital 14) Castle calls his school record a _________ a) criminal record b) large file c) rap sheet d) novel 15) Who does Castle get into an "altercation" with? a) Lu b) Brandon Simmons c) Sunny d) Patina 16) Who does Castle call to pick him up from school? a) Mom b) Dad c) Mr. Charles d) Bob e) Patina f) Coach 17) Coach tells Castle that no one is fast enough to run from ________ a) themselves b) Lu c) Coach d) Mr. Charles 18) How does Coach punish Castle for his suspension? a) Stay home from practice b) Makes him run a lot c) Makes him write an apology letter 19) What does Castle think of Lu at first? a) He's cocky b) He's mean c) He's silly d) He's fun 20) "DON'T PAY THAT FOOL NO MIND. HE JUST MAD HE ALBINO." Who is this passage talking about? a) Patina b) Brandon c) Sunny d) Lu e) Ghost 21) How is Castle different from the other members of the team? a) He's NOT different b) He doesn't have the right gear c) He's always late d) He runs the slowest 22) Why does Castle cut up his shoelaces? a) He wants a reason to get new shoes b) He wants to run faster and his shoes slow him down c) He thinks it'll make them look cool d) Everyone on the team cut their shoes 23) What does Castle's mom do for work? a) Hospital cafeteria b) Hospital nurse c) Hospital doctor d) Hospital security 24) What does Castle steal from Everything Sports store? a) Track shirt b) Track socks c) Track shoes d) Basketball shoes 25) What does Castle call his track shoes? a) Silver sneakers b) Silver slippers c) Silver bullets d) Sliver slicers 26) What do the newbies do at the newbie dinner with Coach? a) Tell stories b) Tell secrets c) Tell silly stories d) Nothing 27) How does Castle feel about telling the others his secret? a) Sad b) Happy c) Regretful d) Scared 28) True or False: Coach was in the Olympics a) TRUE b) ONE c) FALSE d) TWO

Ghost 5th hour


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