1) Did the Farmer have a problem? a) Yes b) No 2) What was Farmer's problem? a) He was sick b) Crow ate his corn 3) Would Farmer sell corn if birds took a bite? a) No b) Yes 4) What did Farmer read? a) He needed a new farm b) Scarecrows can scare birds 5) Where did Farmer find some help? a) In a book b) At the hospital 6) What did Farmer make? a) A scarecrow b) Dinner 7) What did he use to make the scarecrow's body? a) Old clothes and hay b) a banana and apple 8) What did he put on the legs? a) old boots b) old pajamas 9) What did he put on the arms? a) carrots b) Old gloves 10) What did he use for the scarecrow's head? a) A pillow b) A old sac (bag) 11) How did the scarecrow look? a) He looked mean b) He looked tired 12) Where did Farmer tie scarecrow? a) To the post and side of the road b) To the roof 13) Did the scarecrow work? a) Yes b) No 14) How did the people feel when they saw the scarecrow? a) Happy b) Scared 15) Did the farmer want the scarecrow to frighten people? a) Yes b) No 16) What was the problem in the story? a) He needed a new farm b) Crows were eating his corn c) His scarecrow scared people 17) Where did he go to get some things to fix Scarecrow's face? a) the store b) home 18) What part of Scarecrow did the Farmer change? a) his pants b) the mouth and eye brows 19) Did the Farmer put a sign on the scare to hold that was funny or silly? a) Yes b) No 20) Did the Scarecrow scare people? a) Yes b) No 21) What did some people do after seeing the scarecrow? a) Laugh b) Cry c) smile 22) What did the farmer do to keep people interested? a) make different signs b) make different food

The Not-So-Scary Scarecrow Questions



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