What was your senior quote in high school?, What restaurant do you eat at way too often?, What would people be surprised to find out about you?, What is something you have done that you are proud of? , How has college surprised you so far? , What class are you most excited for this semester? why?, What did you want your name to be when you were a child?, What is your favorite halloween costume you have done so far? , What is the last TV series/move you finished? Would you recommend it? , What is something you are talented at? , How have you decorated your room so far? , What has surprised you so far with college? , What is a hobby or activity you want to start doing? , What was your favorite class in highschool? Why?, What is one reason you chose UofSC? , What is something you hope to accomplish this semester?, What did you want to be when you grew up? How about now? , What is a misconception you had as a child? , What is your hidden talent? .




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