HYPERBOLE - An exaggeration used to persuade the reader or emphasise a point., RHETORICAL QUESTION - Question which does not expect or require an answer., RULE OF THREE - Three words or clauses used to make a point., IDIOMS - A colloquial phrase which cannot be understood literally., SIMILE  - Describes something by comparing it to something else., METAPHOR - Describes something by saying it is like something else., DIRECT ADDRESS TO READER - When the writer writes as if he addressing the reader personally., ALLITERATION - A slogan or phrase where words start with similar letters or sounds., SLOGAN - A short or memorable phrase., BIAS - Opinions or statements which are not neutral, and often not supported by evidence., EXAGGERATION - Describing something as bigger or more than it is., STRONG LANGUAGE - Using powerful or emotive language., HUMOUR - Writing intended to be funny., ONOMATOPOEIA - Words which sound like their meaning.,

Language devices



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