1) Are you alive? a) ya b) nah c) I duno anymore 2) did I used to ship pac man? =UwU= a) yes~ b) no~ c) maybe~ d) ya when u were like 9 ya did =UwU= 3) if we were to subtract AMOGUS the who would be the most sus person ever to exist? a) Michael b) Declan c) Max d) Shri e) Alma (shri's sister) 4) so, who would be the weirdest person to ever exist? a) Michael b) Declan c) Max d) Shri e) Alma (shri's sister) 5) how did I come up with the title for this game show? a) you farted. b) you accually thought about it. c) no d) yes 6) did art used to be an olympic event? a) wut r u talkin'bout? b) ya i think. c) no 7) FINAL QUESTION!!!!! are u ok? a) no :'( b) yes, thank you for asking

Brain Fart



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