kaboom, kaboom, kaboom, kaboom, kaboom, kaboom, kaboom, does not fit me , in back of me, Tim and me, but he does, he and Bob , then he was, but she was, if we do, shall be fun, are at his shop, as your mom, has to rush, you or I , was for you, did not want it, want the job, fun for Pat, shall run or jog, has his dish, as big as Rick, are not hot, and we shall, has your bag, he or she, want your gum, are on the bus, and then we did, be with you, does your job, was on top of it, into his box, got to the top, into the tub, do with his dad, does not fit, do you and Bob, a sum of cash, if Peg shall , a chip to dip, does not quit, your dog and cat, with the men, in a box, was on the path, got the mug, bit his lip, Ed and I , pack and ship, kaboom, kaboom, kaboom, kaboom, kaboom, kaboom, kaboom.

WILSON 1.5 phrases KABOOM



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