If I (win) the lottery, I (buy) a new car. (present result), If she (study) harder, she (get) better grades. (present result), If he (not miss) the train, he (arrive) on time. (past result), If we (have) more time, we (visit) more places on our trip. (past result), If they (not be) so tired, they (go) to the party with us. (past result), If you (practice) more, you (play) better tennis. (present result), If she (not forget) her passport, she (be) able to travel. (past result), If they (not eat) so much junk food, they (be) healthier. (present result), If he (not break) his leg, he (compete) in the race. (past result), If we (not miss) the bus, we (get) to the movie on time. (past result), If I (know) his address, I (send) him an invitation to the party. (past result), If they (not buy) that house, they (have) more money to travel. (present result), If you (not tell) me about the sale, I (not buy) this shirt. (present result).

mixed conditionals (correct form)


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