1) What does the snake eat? a) owl b) rat c) mouse d) grasshopper 2) What will the human eat? a) sun b) water c) algae d) fish 3) What eats the giraffe? a) cheetah b) lion c) rhinoceros d) tree 4) What is the lizard's predator? a) hawk b) rabbit c) grasshopper d) mouse 5) What gives energy to the plants? a) grasshopper b) frogs c) sun d) air 6) The elephant is a _____. a) carnivore b) omnivore c) herbivore d) energy 7) The polar bear is a _____. a) herbivore b) carnivore c) omnivore d) decomposer 8) What explains this relationship? a) sun - energy b) producer - herbivore c) consumer - carnivore d) parent - offspring 9) What is the fox? a) prey b) predator c) producer d) decomposer 10) What are the decomposers? a) owl b) sun c) insects d) plants 11) What are plants called? a) producers b) consumers c) decomposers d) food chain




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