Cinco de Mayo is probably one of the most celebrated and ____ holidays in the world. What is the meaning behind it? How is it celebrated and what does it mean to Mexicans? It's ____ a celebration of Mexico's ____ as many people think. Rather, it is an important day in Mexican ____, and the holiday has true meaning and importance. Let's get the facts straight about Cinco de Mayo. Literally meaning "The Fifth of May," Cinco de Mayo is a ____ Holiday celebrating the Battle of ____, which took place on May 5, 1862. It was one of the few Mexican ____ during ____ attempt to colonize Mexico. By seizing Mexico, France would be able to exploit its ____ and support the U.S. Confederacy. The French army was much larger and ____ and equipped than the Mexicans ____ to defend the road to Mexico City. It rolled through Mexico until it reached ____, where the Mexicans made a valiant stand. Despite these ____, they ended up winning a huge victory. The triumph was ____ however. The French army ____ and continued on, eventually taking Mexico City. In 1864, the French brought in Maximilian of Austria. The man who would become Emperor of Mexico was a ____ who barely spoke Spanish. In 1867, he was overthrown and executed by forces loyal to President Benito ____.Despite this turn of events, the euphoria of the ____ at the Battle of Puebla against overwhelming odds is remembered every May 5th. During the Battle of Puebla, a young officer named ____ distinguished himself. Diaz subsequently rose rapidly through the military ranks as an ____ and then as a ____. He even aided Juarez in the ____ against Maximillian. In 1876, Diaz reached the ____ and did not leave until the Mexican Revolution kicked him out in ____ after a rule of 35 years. Diaz remains one of the most important presidents in the history of Mexico, and he got his start on the original Cinco de Mayo. Another common ____ is that Cinco de Mayo is Mexico's Independence Day. In actuality, Mexico celebrates its independence from ____ on September 16. It is a very important holiday in the country and ____ with Cinco de Mayo. Cinco de Mayo is a big deal in ____, where the famous battle took place. However, it really isn't as important as most people think. Independence Day on September 16 has much more ____ in Mexico. For some reason, Cinco de Mayo is celebrated ____ in the United States — by Mexicans and Americans alike — than it is in Mexico. It's interesting to note that the ____ Cinco de Mayo party takes place in ____. Every year, the people of Los Angeles celebrate “Festival de Fiesta Broadway” on May 5th (or on the closest Sunday). It’s a ____ raucous party with parades, food, ____, music, and more. Hundreds of ____ attend annually. It’s even bigger than the ____ in Puebla.

cinco de mayo



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