Honesty, Willingness, Openmindedness, Acceptance, Unmanageability, Powerlessness, Faith, H.A.L.T. (hungry? angry? lonely? tired?), Turning It Over, Letting Go, Mindfulness, Resentment, Reservations, Moral Inventory, Anger, Higher Power, Becoming Willing, Amends, Self Will, Higher Power's Will, I can't, We can, Prayer, Suggestions, Sharing our Experience, Sharing our Strength, Patience, Carrying the message, Acting as if, Sponsorship, Respecting other viewpoints, God, as we understood God, Misery is optional, Recovery is my responsibility, Powerless over addiction, Doing what we did and getting what we got, A desire to stop using, Spirituality, Disappointment, Codependency, Relapse, People, Places, Things, Worry, Surrender, Willingness, F.E.A.R. (false evidence appearing real), Meditation, Grief, Sadness, Denial, Coming to Believe.

Topics, Concepts, and Spiritual Principles



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