1) porosity does NOT depend on a) increases b) the red shift and background radiation c) physical weathering d) particle size 2) as particle size increase, permeability a) the red shift and background radiation b) rise in the est and set in the west c) increases d) chemical weathering 3) as particle size increases, capillarity a) rise in the est and set in the west b) decreases c) physical weathering d) chemical weathering 4) moist & warm climates favor a) chemical weathering b) a slightly eccentric ellipse c) decreases d) Earth centered universe 5) moist & cold climates favor a) physical weathering b) decreases c) backwards (retrograde motion) d) chemical weathering 6) the proof that the universe is expanding is a) rise in the est and set in the west b) particle size c) the red shift and background radiation d) increases 7) the Earth's orbit around the sun is a) a slightly eccentric ellipse b) the red shift and background radiation c) decreases d) increases 8) all celestial objects APPEAR to a) increases b) rise in the est and set in the west c) decreases d) particle size 9) planets APPEAR to move a) Earth centered universe b) backwards (retrograde motion) c) increases d) decreases 10) geocentric a) the red shift and background radiation b) Earth centered universe c) backwards (retrograde motion) d) chemical weathering

81-90 (99 Facts)



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