1) A tropical grass that has hard, woody, hollow. a) marinate b) snake c) bamboo d) scorpian 2) A flavored sauce in which you soak meat before cooking. a) envy b) marinate c) bamboo d) scorpian 3) The stomach of a pig. a) snake b) pork belly c) monarch d) villager 4) A feeling of wanting something someone else has. a) villager b) dragon boat c) centipede d) envy 5) A person who lives in a village. a) marinate b) villager c) zongzi d) bamboo 6) A ruler or king. a) evil b) monarch c) envy d) pork belly 7) An animal with a tail with a poisonous tip. a) scorpian b) evil c) villager d) zongzi 8) A reptile with scales and no legs. a) zongzi b) evil c) villager d) snake 9) A small body like a worm and lots of legs with poison claws. a) pork belly b) dragon boat c) scorpian d) centipede 10) A sticky rice dumpling. a) villager b) snake c) centipede d) zongzi 11) A traditional Chinese boat decorated to resemble a dragon. a) villager b) zongzi c) dragon boat d) pork belly 12) Something wicked or bad. a) evil b) centipede c) monarch d) snake

Dragon Boat Festival Quiz



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