1) What is the weather pattern for this forecast? a) hot, sunny and clear b) cool, cloudy and rainy c) warm, cloudy and windy 2) Why is Monday the best day to go to the park? a) It is warm and sunny but breezy. b) It is cold and cloudy but sunny. c) It is warm but rainy. 3) Which tool will measure how much it rained yesterday? a) thermometer b) wind vane c) rain guage 4) How would you describe the weather for this week? a) warm with calm winds b) warm but rainy c) hot with no cloud coverage 5) What type of precipitation happened on Friday ? a) snow b) rain c) sleet 6) The temperatures in July are above 100 degrees. Which activity would be best to do? a) flying a kite b) ice skating c) water skiing 7) Which picture shows a gentle wind blowing? a) pinwheel b) trees c) kite


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