1) Vero o falso: "Gira a destra" significa "Turn left." a) Vero b) Falso 2) Vero o falso: "Gira a sinistra" significa "Turn left." a) Vero b) Falso 3) Che significa "passare?" a) To pass/go past b) To continue c) To arrive d) To go 4) Come si dice "boulevard" in italiano? a) la via b) la strada c) il viale d) verso 5) Che significa "vai dritto?" a) Go straight b) Continue straight c) Turn left d) Go past the library 6) Che significa "fino a?" a) there are b) until c) street d) at the corner 7) Che significa "C'è una scuola accanto al museo."? a) There is a school next to the museum." b) "There are two schools next to the musuem." c) "There is a museum next to the school." d) "Where is the museum located?" 8) Vero o falso: "Il cinema si trova in Via Garibaldi" significa "The movie theater is located on Garibaldi Street." a) Falso b) Vero 9) Che significa "Passa l'ufficio postale e gira a destra."? a) Pass the police station and turn right. b) Pass the post office and turn left. c) Pass the post office and turn right. d) The post office is on your left. 10) Che significa "La farmacia è a sinistra."? a) The pharmacy is on your left. b) The pharmacy is on your right. c) The pharmacy is in front of you. 11) Che significa "Il supermercato è a destra."? a) The supermarket is on your left. b) The supermarket is on your right. c) The supermarket is in front of you. 12) Che significa "Attraversa la strada."? a) Continue straight. b) Turn right. c) Turn left at the corner. d) Cross the street. 13) Che significa "dritto?" a) straight b) left c) right d) towards 14) Che significa "arrivare?" a) to go b) to arrive c) to continue d) to turn 15) Che significa "prima?" a) Then b) First c) After d) There is
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