1) It is customary to eat this type of food during Chanukah a) b) c) d) 2) Who was the leader of the Chanukah revolt? a) Moses b) Queen Esther c) Judah the Maccabee d) Aaron the priest 3) They found it when cleaning the Holy Temple a) b) c) d) 4) Who was the bad guy in the story of Chanukah? a) Pharoah b) King Achashverosh c) The Roman Emperor d) King Antiochus 5) Which of the following is a Chanukiyah? a) b) c) d) 6) What is a typical Chanukah game? a) b) c) d) 7) In what Hebrew month does Chanukah fall? a) Kislev b) December c) November d) Nissan 8) Where in Israel was the Holy Temple? a) Modi'in b) Jerusalem c) Be'er Sheva d) Tel Aviv 9) Another typical Chanukah food a) b) c) d) 10) How many candles do we use during the holiday? a) 9 b) 44 c) 54 d) 27

Chanukah Trivia for Children



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