1) Filling a pool with water a) perimeter b) area c) volume 2) Walking around a football field a) perimeter b) area c) volume 3) Putting carpet in a bedroom a) perimeter b) area c) volume 4) Filling a jar with honey a) perimeter b) area c) volume 5) Mowing the grass a) perimeter b) area c) volume 6) Juice in a container a) perimeter b) area c) volume 7) The amount of trash the trash can holds a) perimeter b) area c) volume 8) How many meters will you walk when you walk around the outside of your school? a) perimeter b) area c) volume 9) Which formula does this calculate? Length x width a) Perimeter b) Area c) Volume 10) Which formula does this calculate? Length + Length + Width + Width a) Perimeter b) Area c) Volume 11) Which formula does this calculate? Length x Width x Height a) Perimeter b) Area c) Volume


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