1) Which words use "port" as a root meaning to CARRY? a) vaporize b) transport c) portable d) export e) import f) spores 2) Which words use "pan" as a root meaning to SPREAD? a) expand b) pants c) expansive d) panda e) expansion f) pansy 3) Which words use "pass" as a root meaning to STEP? a) trespass b) surpass c) pastime d) passage e) pastry f) bypass 4) Which wors use "mot" as a root meaning to MOVE? a) smooth b) locomotion c) emotion d) mutually e) promote f) motivate 5) Which words use "mov" as a root meaning to MOVE? a) moody b) movements c) movie d) removable e) honeymoon f) countermove 6) When you transport an object you do what with it? a) describe it b) design it c) carry it d) destroy it e) create it f) evaluate it 7) To increase in size or amount (spread) is to what? a) excuse b) explain c) experiment d) expand e) expose f) expire 8) Examples of locomotion include which of the following? a) walking b) riding a horse c) riding in a truck d) eating dinner e) sleeping f) riding on a train 

Latin Roots: port, pan, pass, mot, mov


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