Sharks are mammals. - False - they are actually classified as fish., Human skin regenerates every week. - False - it regenerates every 28 days., The human body has four lungs. - False - it has two. Those lungs aid the average person in breathing 11,000 liters of air every day., The star sign Aquarius is represented by a tiger. - False - it's represented by the water bearer., 'A' is the most common letter used in the English language. - False - it's 'E.', English is the most spoken language in the world. - False, it's Mandarin Chinese., The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland. - True, Fish cannot blink. - True, An octopus has three hearts. - True - an octopus has one main, systemic heart to pumps blood around its body. The two additional hearts are responsible for pumping blood over each of its gills., A lion's roar can be heard up to eight kilometres away. - True, The first animal sent into space was a monkey. - False - Fruit flies were sent into space on a V-2 rocket in 1947, Avatar is the highest grossing movie of all time. - True, Titanic was released in 1999. - False - it was released in 1997., Before becoming queen, Queen Elizabeth II trained as a mechanic. - True, Madonna's real name is Madonna. - True, The black box in a plane is black. - False - it's orange., There are two parts of the body that can't heal themselves. - False - there's only one: the teeth., There are five different blood groups. - False - there are four: A, B, AB, and O., Thomas Edison discovered gravity. - False - Isaac Newton discovered Gravity when he saw a falling apple while thinking about the forces of nature. Thomas Edison is thought to have invented the lightbulb., Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. - True, Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system - True - Venus has an average surface temperature of around 450° C. Mercury is closer to the sun, but has no atmosphere to regulate temperature, so it has a very large temperature fluctuation., Coffee is made from berries. - True - when coffee berries turn from green to bright red in colour, this indicates ripeness and they are picked, processed, and dried, before being roasted and turned into coffee., Monaco is the smallest country in the world. - False - the Vatican City is, with only 0.44, The river Seine in Paris is longer than the river Thames in London. - True - The Seine is 777km, while the Thames is 346km., Australia is wider than the moon. - True - the moon sits at 3,400km in diameter, while Australia's diameter from east to west is almost 4,000km., The United States has the longest coastline in the world - False - Canada has the longest at over 200,000km., India is the most populated country in the world. - True, Alaska is the biggest American state in square miles. - True - it spans a total area of 665,384 square miles. Texas comes in next with a total area of 268,596 square miles., Spaghetto is the singular word for a piece of spaghetti. - True - generally, Italian words ending in 'o' are singular and words ending in 'i' are plural. Lots of spaghetto makes spaghetti., Bananas are curved because they grow upwards towards the sun. - True - a process called 'negative geotropism' means the fruit grows upwards to break through the canopy., Ketchup was once used to cure diseases like diarrhoea and colds. - True, Honey will usually never go bad. - True, The Caesar salad was invented in France. - False - it was invented in Tijuana, Mexico in the early 1920s by Caesar Cardini, an Italian chef., Pizza was invented in Rome, Italy. - False - it was invented in Naples, Italy., The five rings on the Olympic flag are interlaced. - True, China won 100 medals at the Beijing Olympics. - True, NBA stands for National Basketball Association. - True, Eating too many carrots can make your skin turn orange. - True, The Olympics are held every five years. - False - they're held every four years., If you sneeze with your eyes open, then your eyes will pop out - False - trying to sneeze with your eyes open doesn't mean your eyeballs will pop out of their sockets., Peeing on a jellyfish sting helps with the pain. - False - it doesn't help to alleviate the pain., You can swallow and breathe at the same time. - False - the acts of breathing and swallowing are sequential., You’re shorter at night than you are in the morning. - True, Our blood contains gold. - True, There are 14 bones in a human foot. - False - there are 28 bones in each foot., Humans lose an average of 75 hairs from their head each month. - False - we can actually lose up to 75 strands of hair each day., You can sneeze during your sleep. - True - during very light sleep, it may be possible that a person could sneeze without waking up., The blue whale is the biggest animal to have ever lived. - True - and that includes dinosaurs!, An ant can lift 1,000 times its body weight. - False - ants can lift 5,000 times their body weight!, Galapagos tortoises sleep up to 16 hours a day. - True - and they can go a year without food or water, so they have lots of time for extra sleep., The goat is the national animal of Scotland. - False - it is the unicorn., Herbivores are animal eaters. - False - herbivores only eat plants., An octopus has seven hearts. - False - it has three hearts and they do a lot of work. One heart circulates blood around the body and the other two pump blood past the gills and pick up oxygen., The Atlantic Ocean is the biggest ocean on Earth. - False - the Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean covering more than 60 million square miles., There are five oceans in the world. - True - they are the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, and the Antarctic Ocean., Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world. - True - Mount Everest reaches an elevation of 29,032 feet., The two longest rivers in the world are the Mississippi and the Nile. - False - they are the Nile and the Amazon., Greenland is the largest island in the world. - True - the island is approximately 836,330 square miles - three times the size of Texas., Alaska has the most active volcanoes of any state in the United States. - True - Alaska has 141 potentially active volcanoes., The Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. - True - measuring a mere 0.2 square miles, it is almost 120 times smaller than Manhattan in New York., Venezuela is home to the world's highest waterfall. - True - you would have to climb 979 meters to reach the top., Alligators and crocodiles are the same species. - False - alligators are native to the United States, while crocodiles are native to Africa and Australia., Ostriches stick their heads in the sand when they're scared. - False - ostriches actually don't stick their heads in the sand at all. The myth likely started because ostriches often lie down with their heads and necks flat on the ground, which can make it look like they're sticking their heads in the sand., Bats are blind. - False - while some bats may have poor eyesight, most bats can see just fine. In fact, some bats use echolocation to navigate in the dark!, Bears always hibernate during winter. - False - not all bears hibernate during winter. For example, black bears in North America typically only hibernate if there is a food shortage or if the weather is particularly cold., Cats always land on their feet when they fall. - True - cats have a flexible spine and an ability to rotate their hind legs that allows them to right themselves mid-fall and land on their feet almost every time., Chickens can't fly. - False - chickens can fly, but not for very long or very far. Their wings are relatively small compared to their body size, which limits their flying ability., Dogs only see in black and white. - False - dogs actually have color vision, though their eyesight is not as good as humans’. They can see colors in shades of blues, yellows, and grays., Camels store water in their humps. - False - camels actually store fat in their humps and can go without water for weeks at a time., Cheetahs are the fastest land animal. - True - cheetahs are the fastest land animals, reaching speeds of up to 75 miles per hour., Bees have five eyes. - False - bees actually have three eyes – two compound eyes and one ocellus, or simple eye., A honey bee can fly up to 15 miles per hour. - True - honey bees are incredibly fast flyers and can reach speeds of up to 15 miles per hour!, Birds are the only animals that can fly. - False - bats, insects, and even some mammals such as flying squirrels can also fly., France and Germany share a border. - True - France and Germany share a border along the Rhine River, which separates them for most of its length., The Panama Canal connects Central America with South America. - True, Greece is located on the continent of Asia. - False - Greece is located on the continent of Europe!, The capital city of India is New Delhi. - True, Australia has no land borders with other countries. - True, The capital city of Norway is Oslo. - True, Los Angeles is the largest city in California. - True, The capital of France is Rome. - False - Paris is the capital of France., A triangle has four sides. - False - it has three sides., The sun is bigger than the moon. - True, The average person blinks around 15 times per minute. - True, The Milky Way is the name of our galaxy. - True, The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. - True, The color blue is the most popular color in the world. - True - blue is the most popular color worldwide., Every sentence must contain a verb. - True – a complete sentence typically requires at least one verb., “I.e.” and “e.g.” can be used interchangeably. - False – “i.e.” means “that is,” while “e.g.” means “for example.”, “Lie” and “Lay” mean the same thing and can be used interchangeably. - False – “lie” means to recline, while “lay” means to put or place something down., An adjective always precedes the noun it modifies. - False – adjectives usually precede the noun, but not always, as in “the car red.”, “Your” and “You’re” mean the same thing. - False – “your” is a possessive pronoun, while “you’re” is a contraction of “you are.”, Double negatives in a sentence create a positive meaning. - True – in standard English, double negatives often turn the sentence into a positive., “Whose” and “Who’s” have the same usage. - False – “whose” is a possessive pronoun, and “who’s” is a contraction for “who is” or “who has.”, All sentences must have a subject. - True – in standard English, a complete sentence usually needs a subject., “Fewer” is used for countable items, and “Less” is used for uncountable quantities. - True, “Their,” “There,” and “They’re” are interchangeable. - False – they are homophones but have different meanings and uses., A preposition is always found at the beginning of a prepositional phrase. - True – a prepositional phrase begins with a preposition., “Affect” is a verb, and “effect” is a noun. - True, “Whom” is used as an object, while “Who” is used as a subject. - True – “who” is a subject pronoun, and “whom” is an object pronoun.,
True or False...
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