迷你的 - miniature, aneroid - 非水的, orifice - 开口, 切线照明 - tangential lighting, 扩张器 - speculum, 痘痘 - papules, 麦粒疹 - milia, stork bite - telangiectatic nevi, 肛周 - perianal, hyperemesis gravidarum, 异位的 - ectopic, 羊膜的 - amniotic, placenta previa - 前置胎盘, cesarean - C-section, meconium - first stool, colostrum, maculopapular - a skin rash that has both flat and raised areas, Hirsutism - the growth of excessive male-pattern hair in women after puberty., effleurage - a form of massage involving a circular stroking, spotting - vaginal bleeding that occurs between menstrual periods,

child assessment



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