1) For 15seconds, a caterpillar crawled directly toward a plant at a constant velocity. It crawled 99millimeters in that time. What was the caterpillar's velocity? a) 8m/s b) 7m/s c) 6.6mm/s2 d) 6.6mm/s 2) Gavin paddled his kayak 719meters across a lake at a constant velocity. He moved that distance in 10.0minutes. What was his velocity? a) 80m/m b) 71.9m/m c) 71.9m/s d) 80m/s 3) For 7.5minutes, a cloud drifted east at a constant velocity. In that time, it drifted 3,300meters. What was the cloud's velocity? a) 441m/s b) 442m/s c) 440m/m d) 442m/m 4) A mackerel is swimming toward a fishing boat at 62.5centimeterspersecond. If its velocity remains constant, how far will the mackerel swim in 37.6seconds? a) 2350centimeters b) 2353centimeters c) 1.66meters d) 2meters 5) For 2.5seconds, a maple tree seed fell at a constant velocity of 96centimeterspersecond straight down. In this time, how far did the seed fall? a) 38.4centimeters b) 240meters c) 240centimeters d) 38.4meters 6) For 6.4seconds, Keith pushed his shopping cart toward his car at 1.5meterspersecond. During this time, how far did the shopping cart move? a) 9.6meters b) 9.6centimeters c) 4.3meters d) 4.3centimeters 7) A bat is 30centimeters north of its cave. If the bat flies at a constant velocity of 300centimeterspersecond to the south, how much time will the bat take to reach its cave? a) 1seconds  b) 1minutes c) 0.1seconds d) 30000minutes  8) Omar is biking north at 350metersperminute. If his velocity remains constant, how long will it take Omar to bike 770meters? a) 2.2minutes  b) 269500minutes  c) 2.2seconds  d) 269500seconds 9) Julian is skateboarding down a straight road at 150metersperminute. If his velocity remains constant, how much time will it take him to skate 720meters? a) 108minutes  b) 108seconds  c) 4.8minutes  d) 4.8seconds 

Speed/Velocity Triangle


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