
4-й класс Go Getter 1

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Go Getter 1 Unit 1.6 Pre Writing
Go Getter 1 Unit 1.6 Pre Writing Užbaikite sakinį
Must-Mustn't-Don't have to 1
Must-Mustn't-Don't have to 1 Atidaryk langelį
go getter проверка 0 unit
go getter проверка 0 unit Viktorina
Go Getter 2 Unit 3.1 Match to make a phrase
Go Getter 2 Unit 3.1 Match to make a phrase Rask tinkamą
Go Getter 3 Unit 2.5 Paws Cat Café!
Go Getter 3 Unit 2.5 Paws Cat Café! Užbaikite sakinį
Go Getter (4) 2.3 MUST/HAVE TO/CAN (+past tense)
Go Getter (4) 2.3 MUST/HAVE TO/CAN (+past tense) Atsitiktinės kortos
Must-Mustn't-Don't have to 2
Must-Mustn't-Don't have to 2 Atidaryk langelį
This, that, these, those
This, that, these, those Viktorina
go getter 1 1.3
go getter 1 1.3 Užbaikite sakinį
School Subjects
School Subjects Kryžiažodis
Countable and Uncountable nouns (Go Getter 3)
Countable and Uncountable nouns (Go Getter 3) Viktorina
Present Simple VS Present Continuous
Present Simple VS Present Continuous Priskyrimas grupėms
Household chores
Household chores Viktorina
Go Getter 1 Unit 1.6 1
Go Getter 1 Unit 1.6 1 Užbaikite sakinį
GoGetter (4) 3.5
GoGetter (4) 3.5 Rask porą
Go Getter 4 2.3 MUST/HAVE TO/COULD/HAD TO Atsitiktinės kortos
go getter 1 family audio 1.17
go getter 1 family audio 1.17 Viktorina
Go Getter (4) 3.4 Communication (1)
Go Getter (4) 3.4 Communication (1) Užbaikite sakinį
prepositions of place
prepositions of place Viktorina
furniture Diagrama su kortelėmis
prepositions of place
prepositions of place Viktorina
Go Getter 2 Unit 6.4 Speaking Cards - Asking for and giving permission
Go Getter 2 Unit 6.4 Speaking Cards - Asking for and giving permission Atsitiktinės kortos
Go Getter (1) 6.2 Present Simple
Go Getter (1) 6.2 Present Simple Viktorina
Go Getter 2 Unit 5.6 Adjectives
Go Getter 2 Unit 5.6 Adjectives Rask tinkamą
Go getter 1 Unit 4 eyes and hair
Go getter 1 Unit 4 eyes and hair Iššifruok
Present Continuous STATIVE VERBS
Present Continuous STATIVE VERBS Užbaikite sakinį
Go getter 1 Unit 4 Face and hair
Go getter 1 Unit 4 Face and hair Užbaikite sakinį
 THIS / THAT / THESE / THOSE + clothes GG1
THIS / THAT / THESE / THOSE + clothes GG1 Viktorina
Go Getter 1 Unit 4 body parts
Go Getter 1 Unit 4 body parts Rask porą
Go Getter 1 Unit 4 hair
Go Getter 1 Unit 4 hair Rask tinkamą
Go getter 1 Unit 4 Face and hair
Go getter 1 Unit 4 Face and hair Židimas „Kartuvės“
Go getter 1 Unit 4 Eyes and hair
Go getter 1 Unit 4 Eyes and hair Viktorina
Go Getter (1) 1.5 Places (4)
Go Getter (1) 1.5 Places (4) Iššifruok
Go Getter (1) 2.3 _to be
Go Getter (1) 2.3 _to be Balionų sprogdinimas
GG1 1.3 Dug's family
GG1 1.3 Dug's family Rask tinkamą
GG1 1.3 Dug's family
GG1 1.3 Dug's family Užbaikite sakinį
Go Getter 1 Unit 3.1 Inside the house
Go Getter 1 Unit 3.1 Inside the house Rask tinkamą
GG 1 6.2
GG 1 6.2 Viktorina
Super minds 2 off we go
Super minds 2 off we go Žodžių paieška
rainbow 4 unit 4 step 1
rainbow 4 unit 4 step 1 Rask tinkamą
Warm up cards pre teens
Warm up cards pre teens Atidaryk langelį
 warm up questions
warm up questions Atidaryk langelį
anime family
anime family Rasti tinkamą
 Go Getter 2 Unit 3.1 Too much tech!
Go Getter 2 Unit 3.1 Too much tech! Užbaikite sakinį
8.3 Question words
8.3 Question words Iššifruok
  GG 2 3.1 Using technology Anagrama
GG 2 3.1 Using technology Anagrama Anagrama
Go Getter 1 3.6
Go Getter 1 3.6 Židimas „Kartuvės“
Numbers -ty and -teen
Numbers -ty and -teen Teisingai arba neteisingai
GG1 U1.1 family
GG1 U1.1 family Viktorina
Буквосочетания гласных и шипящих
Буквосочетания гласных и шипящих Balionų sprogdinimas
GG1 Intro School stuff
GG1 Intro School stuff Rask tinkamą
GG1 U3 3.4 Communication
GG1 U3 3.4 Communication Viktorina
SS GG1 U3 furniture and house
SS GG1 U3 furniture and house Viktorina
Go Getter (4) 0.3 Adjectives
Go Getter (4) 0.3 Adjectives Rask tinkamą
Go Getter (4) 1.4_ Communication
Go Getter (4) 1.4_ Communication Užbaikite sakinį
Go Getter (4) 4.1 Types of films
Go Getter (4) 4.1 Types of films Rask tinkamą
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