
2nd Grade Spelling Wit wisdom

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Johnny Appleseed Vocabulary- Wit & Wisdom
Johnny Appleseed Vocabulary- Wit & Wisdom Rask tinkamą
Wit and Wisdom 5th Grade Module 1 Vocabulary
Wit and Wisdom 5th Grade Module 1 Vocabulary Rask tinkamą
Wit and Wisdom Module 2 Grade 2
Wit and Wisdom Module 2 Grade 2 Rask tinkamą
-ing words
-ing words "Flash" kortelės
2 syllable closed words
2 syllable closed words TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
Wonders Grade 2 Unit 5 Week 1
Wonders Grade 2 Unit 5 Week 1 Priskyrimas grupėms
Wit & Wisdom Module 3 Spin the Wheel
Wit & Wisdom Module 3 Spin the Wheel Laimės ratas
Sentence Reading Fluency
Sentence Reading Fluency TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
Spelling Scramble #1 Short Vowels
Spelling Scramble #1 Short Vowels Anagrama
Coming to America (wit and wisdom 17-24)
Coming to America (wit and wisdom 17-24) Rask tinkamą
Give a synonym for these overused words
Give a synonym for these overused words Laimės ratas
ai/ay Vowel Digraphs
ai/ay Vowel Digraphs Balionų sprogdinimas
Wonders Spelling Grade 2 Unit 3 Week 5 Long u
Wonders Spelling Grade 2 Unit 3 Week 5 Long u Priskyrimas grupėms
Wonders Grade 2 Unit 4 Week 5 air are ear ere
Wonders Grade 2 Unit 4 Week 5 air are ear ere Priskyrimas grupėms
ai words
ai words Viktorina
Which? -ck or -k??
Which? -ck or -k?? Viktorina
2 sounds of 'ear'
2 sounds of 'ear' Priskyrimas grupėms
Vowel Teams
Vowel Teams Anagrama
Unit 8 Week3 : al aw au
Unit 8 Week3 : al aw au Viktorina
Cry Baby- 2 sounds of final Y
Cry Baby- 2 sounds of final Y Priskyrimas grupėms
Wa words
Wa words Anagrama
long a word sort (a-e, ay, ea, ai)
long a word sort (a-e, ay, ea, ai) Priskyrimas grupėms
long o word sort (o-e, o, ou, oa)
long o word sort (o-e, o, ou, oa) Priskyrimas grupėms
r-controlled sentence fill-in review
r-controlled sentence fill-in review Užbaikite sakinį
Syllable Types BIG Sort
Syllable Types BIG Sort Priskyrimas grupėms
ee and ea homophones
ee and ea homophones Atidaryk langelį
pick the spelling of /er/
pick the spelling of /er/ Viktorina
vowel team spell-in-the-blank (ai, ay, ea, ee, oa, ou)
vowel team spell-in-the-blank (ai, ay, ea, ee, oa, ou) Rasti tinkamą
spelling consonant-le words
spelling consonant-le words Anagrama
spelling long vowel sounds
spelling long vowel sounds Anagrama
long a and long e vowel team review (ai, ay, ee, ea)
long a and long e vowel team review (ai, ay, ee, ea) Užbaikite sakinį
long e word sort (e-e, e, -y, ea, ee)
long e word sort (e-e, e, -y, ea, ee) Priskyrimas grupėms
OO Spelling
OO Spelling Židimas „Kartuvės“
Plural endings quiz -s, -es, -ies
Plural endings quiz -s, -es, -ies Viktorina
Short Vowel/Long Vowel (e/ee)
Short Vowel/Long Vowel (e/ee) Priskyrimas grupėms
consonant + le syllable matching
consonant + le syllable matching Rask tinkamą
Wit & Wisdom Module 1
Wit & Wisdom Module 1 Rask tinkamą
3.1 Ending Blend Match-mp, nt, nd, lt, lk
3.1 Ending Blend Match-mp, nt, nd, lt, lk Priskyrimas grupėms
VCV - Tiger or Camel?
VCV - Tiger or Camel? Priskyrimas grupėms
Rabbit Words
Rabbit Words Anagrama
Two sounds of oo sort
Two sounds of oo sort Priskyrimas grupėms
Soft C review (pairs with Whack-a-Mole soft c #17)
Soft C review (pairs with Whack-a-Mole soft c #17) Atsitiktinės kortos
beginning blends
beginning blends Židimas „Kartuvės“
c or k
c or k Priskyrimas grupėms
short and long a
short and long a Priskyrimas grupėms
Unjumble sentences with floss words
Unjumble sentences with floss words Iššifruok
Milk Truck (Barton L3L7)
Milk Truck (Barton L3L7) Iššifruok
-tch Unjumble sentences (Barton L3L9)
-tch Unjumble sentences (Barton L3L9) Iššifruok
Final /k/ spelling (K or CK)
Final /k/ spelling (K or CK) Priskyrimas grupėms
-ck Bat and Ball story (Barton L3L7)
-ck Bat and Ball story (Barton L3L7) Užbaikite sakinį
-ck words
-ck words Anagrama
UFLI 35 Short A Review
UFLI 35 Short A Review Rask porą
Possessive S
Possessive S TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
oi/oy Iššifruok
-ck Sick Nick (Barton L3L7)
-ck Sick Nick (Barton L3L7) Užbaikite sakinį
Balloon Pop Unit 4B: 11-13 Diphthongs
Balloon Pop Unit 4B: 11-13 Diphthongs Balionų sprogdinimas
Barton 4.13 OW EW
Barton 4.13 OW EW Židimas „Kartuvės“
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