
English language arts Young learners explore treetops 3

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Hobbies Rask tinkamą
Fantasy Characters
Fantasy Characters Viktorina
Countable/uncountable Viktorina
Places in a town 4
Places in a town 4 Viktorina
Places in a town 2
Places in a town 2 Rask tinkamą
Containers 4
Containers 4 "Flash" kortelės
5 At the market match up find the match
5 At the market match up find the match Rasti tinkamą
Final Blends Balloon Pop
Final Blends Balloon Pop Balionų sprogdinimas
Places in a town 1
Places in a town 1 Atsitiktinės kortos
ff, ll, ss best friends at the end balloon pop
ff, ll, ss best friends at the end balloon pop Balionų sprogdinimas
Adverbs of manner 4
Adverbs of manner 4 Anagrama
Containers 3
Containers 3 Atsitiktinės kortos
Drawing Conclusions 3
Drawing Conclusions 3 Atsitiktinės kortos
Present Progressive verbs w/pronouns
Present Progressive verbs w/pronouns Rask tinkamą
How often do you...?
How often do you...? Laimės ratas
Adverbs of manner 3
Adverbs of manner 3 Rask tinkamą
Containers 2
Containers 2 Rask tinkamą
Sequencing - Steps to Wash Dishes
Sequencing - Steps to Wash Dishes Eilės tvarka
Glued Sounds Review
Glued Sounds Review TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
Text Features
Text Features Labirintas
Consonant -le syllable
Consonant -le syllable Pataikyk į kurmį
Drawing Conclusion 1
Drawing Conclusion 1 TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
Vowel Men
Vowel Men Priskyrimas grupėms
Common and Proper Nouns
Common and Proper Nouns Priskyrimas grupėms
Sequence of Events Practice
Sequence of Events Practice Rask tinkamą
Character and Setting 2
Character and Setting 2 Priskyrimas grupėms
Drawing Conclusions 2
Drawing Conclusions 2 Laimės ratas
Fill in  Has/Have
Fill in Has/Have Viktorina
Final Blends Word Sort
Final Blends Word Sort Priskyrimas grupėms
Telling time bingo
Telling time bingo Atsitiktinės kortos
Yes/No Questions
Yes/No Questions Atsitiktinės kortos
What time do you...?
What time do you...? Atsitiktinės kortos
To be with feelings
To be with feelings Rask tinkamą
What do you like to eat?
What do you like to eat? Atsitiktinės kortos
Dr. Seuss Assessment
Dr. Seuss Assessment Viktorina
Irregular Plurals Memory Game
Irregular Plurals Memory Game Rask porą
Leo the Late Bloomer
Leo the Late Bloomer Priskyrimas grupėms
Vowel men Balloon Pop
Vowel men Balloon Pop Balionų sprogdinimas
Let's Go to the Moon Sight Word Practice
Let's Go to the Moon Sight Word Practice Užbaikite sakinį
places in the city (with descriptions)
places in the city (with descriptions) Viktorina
AR Main Idea/Topic Sentence Match It
AR Main Idea/Topic Sentence Match It Rask tinkamą
3 Branches of Government
3 Branches of Government Priskyrimas grupėms
Wear or carry?
Wear or carry? Priskyrimas grupėms
 -un, -ug, ut, -up Word Lists
-un, -ug, ut, -up Word Lists Balionų sprogdinimas
ff, ss, ll, best friends at the end word sort
ff, ss, ll, best friends at the end word sort Priskyrimas grupėms
-ack, -am, -an Word List
-ack, -am, -an Word List Balionų sprogdinimas
-un, -ub, -ut, -ug Word List
-un, -ub, -ut, -ug Word List Anagrama
-ock, -op, -ot Word List
-ock, -op, -ot Word List Balionų sprogdinimas
ELD 3 PBA essay vocabulary
ELD 3 PBA essay vocabulary Rask tinkamą
Trick Words (Level 3, unit 1)
Trick Words (Level 3, unit 1) Rask porą
Fill in the missing WH- Question Word
Fill in the missing WH- Question Word Viktorina
digraph or trigraph (Fundations Level 3, Unit1)
digraph or trigraph (Fundations Level 3, Unit1) Rask tinkamą
Present Simple Y/N Questions Do, Does, Are, Is
Present Simple Y/N Questions Do, Does, Are, Is Viktorina
Don't or Doesn't?
Don't or Doesn't? Viktorina
ELD 3: Ethos, Pathos, Logos practice
ELD 3: Ethos, Pathos, Logos practice Viktorina
  Was / Were _____ ? Yes/No Questions - Past Simple (To Be)
Was / Were _____ ? Yes/No Questions - Past Simple (To Be) Viktorina
has/have Lėktuvas
Matching numerals to ten frames
Matching numerals to ten frames Rasti tinkamą
Do and Does + have
Do and Does + have Lėktuvas
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