Settings - An updated interface One place for most configuration settings Search for “Settings”, Or scroll down to “S”, Time and Language - Change the system clock to the correct time zone or add a new keyboard language. Scenario: Adjust time, region, or language preferences., Update and Security - Check for updates, roll back to a previous Windows version, or configure Windows Defender antivirus.Scenario: Manage Windows updates, recovery, and security settings , Personalization - Change the desktop wallpaper or adjust the taskbar's transparency. Scenario: Customize desktop themes, background, and taskbar settings. , Apps - Set the default web browser to Chrome or remove unused apps. Scenario: Manage installed apps, default apps, and app-related settings, Privacy - Disable location access for apps or manage microphone permissions for specific programs. Scenario: Control data collection and privacy settings, System - Adjust screen resolution, enable Night Light mode, or manage disk space with Storage Sense. Scenario: Manage display, notifications, storage, and system performance., Devices - Pair a Bluetooth headset or troubleshoot an unresponsive printer. Scenario: Configure settings for connected devices like printers, Bluetooth, or USB devices, Network and Internet - Connect to a hidden Wi-Fi network or reset network settings after connection problems. Scenario: Set up Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or VPN connections and troubleshoot network issues., Gaming - Xbox Game Bar - Xbox gaming network Chat, join games - Look for friends, Accounts - Add a new Microsoft account or configure a PIN for quick sign-in. Scenario: Manage user profiles, sign-in options, and family or work accounts.,
a+ 1102 1.5 - Windows Settings
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