
English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) Level 1

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FSE L1/L2 Expressing Opinions
FSE L1/L2 Expressing Opinions Sakārtošana
Numbers memory game 1-10
Numbers memory game 1-10 Saderīgie pāri
Level 1 - Indirect questions
Level 1 - Indirect questions Sakārtošana
Apostrophe: contraction or possession?
Apostrophe: contraction or possession? Kārtošana grupās
Short or long e sound
Short or long e sound Kārtošana grupās
Modes of transport
Modes of transport Saderību meklēšana
Question Words
Question Words Pabeidziet teikumu
Greetings and responses in English
Greetings and responses in English Saderību meklēšana
parts of the body quiz
parts of the body quiz Viktorīna
Do you like?
Do you like? Nejaušības ritenis
What can you do?
What can you do? Nejaušības ritenis
Days of the week
Days of the week Anagramma
Order of days of the week
Order of days of the week Kārtošana pēc pozīcijas
Classroom objects (Pre-Entry and Entry 1 ESOL)
Classroom objects (Pre-Entry and Entry 1 ESOL) Elementu apvēršana otrādi
English alphabet
English alphabet Saderību meklēšana
Prepostions of place
Prepostions of place Viktorīna
a or an
a or an Patiess vai nepatiess
Months of the year.
Months of the year. Anagramma
There is/there are
There is/there are Pabeidziet teikumu
Furniture and Rooms
Furniture and Rooms Kārtošana grupās
Time Saderību meklēšana
Food likes and dislikes.
Food likes and dislikes. Sakārtošana
Question Words
Question Words Saderību meklēšana
L1 Formal Informal Language Match
L1 Formal Informal Language Match Saderību meklēšana
My Family
My Family Nejaušības ritenis
Parts of the body
Parts of the body Diagramma ar etiķetēm
Long or short a sound
Long or short a sound Kārtošana grupās
L1 Effective Communication LO1:1
L1 Effective Communication LO1:1 Pabeidziet teikumu
I can talk about illness: What's the matter? ESOL Entry 1
I can talk about illness: What's the matter? ESOL Entry 1 Nejaušības ritenis
Language Features
Language Features Atmiņas kāršu spēle
Article  - Organisational (layout) Features
Article - Organisational (layout) Features Diagramma ar etiķetēm
Organisational (Layout) Features
Organisational (Layout) Features Diagramma ar etiķetēm
Functional Skills Writing Prompts
Functional Skills Writing Prompts Nejaušības ritenis
Rooms in a house
Rooms in a house Diagramma ar etiķetēm
Daily Routine
Daily Routine Sakārtošana
parts of speech
parts of speech Kārtošana grupās
Map of The United Kingdom
Map of The United Kingdom Diagramma ar etiķetēm
Homophones for L1 ESOL
Homophones for L1 ESOL Viktorīna
Esol english
Esol english Saderību meklēšana
ESOL Sakārtošana
Linking Words
Linking Words Pabeidziet teikumu
Gerund or Infinitive (English File, 3rd ed, p147)
Gerund or Infinitive (English File, 3rd ed, p147) Viktorīna
Antonyms / Opposites No 1 - Entry 3 Level 1 English
Antonyms / Opposites No 1 - Entry 3 Level 1 English Atrast saderības
Giving Opinions, Agreeing and Disagreeing - Hangman
Giving Opinions, Agreeing and Disagreeing - Hangman Karātavas
FSE L1 Punctuation
FSE L1 Punctuation Saderību meklēšana
Giving Opinions, Agreeing and Disagreeing - Sort
Giving Opinions, Agreeing and Disagreeing - Sort Kārtošana grupās
FSE L1 Job/Volunteer applications - Skill or personality?
FSE L1 Job/Volunteer applications - Skill or personality? Kārtošana grupās
Writing: Informal and Formal Verbs - Sort L1
Writing: Informal and Formal Verbs - Sort L1 Kārtošana grupās
Reported Speech: Said/Told/Explained L1
Reported Speech: Said/Told/Explained L1 Viktorīna
New Year 2022: E3-L1 Functional English features of text - Skillsworkshop
New Year 2022: E3-L1 Functional English features of text - Skillsworkshop Diagramma ar etiķetēm
St Dwynwen's Day: recognising sentence structures - E3-L1 Skillsworkshop
St Dwynwen's Day: recognising sentence structures - E3-L1 Skillsworkshop Kārtošana grupās
Contractions Entry 1 ESOL
Contractions Entry 1 ESOL Saderību meklēšana
Homes Vārdu magnēti
Shopping - questions
Shopping - questions Sakārtošana
Sports and exercise
Sports and exercise Atrast saderības
Thundersnow: L1-L2 Functional English organisational features - Skillsworkshop
Thundersnow: L1-L2 Functional English organisational features - Skillsworkshop Diagramma ar etiķetēm
Valentine's Day E3-L1 Functional English extra reading questions - Skillsworkshop
Valentine's Day E3-L1 Functional English extra reading questions - Skillsworkshop Viktorīna
Thundersnow: L1-L2 Functional English using punctuation for understanding - Skillsworkshop
Thundersnow: L1-L2 Functional English using punctuation for understanding - Skillsworkshop Diagramma ar etiķetēm
In my town
In my town Saderību meklēšana
Past simple or Present Perfect?
Past simple or Present Perfect? Viktorīna
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