
14 17 b1

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Writing a PET letter: informal vs. semi-formal language
Writing a PET letter: informal vs. semi-formal language Kārtošana grupās
PHRASALS Starlight 7 Mod 2 (p.39)
PHRASALS Starlight 7 Mod 2 (p.39) Nejaušības ritenis
Health quiz (Starlight 7 p.61)
Health quiz (Starlight 7 p.61) Viktorīna
Modal verbs + Health (Starlight Mod 4)
Modal verbs + Health (Starlight Mod 4) Viktorīna
Negative PREFIXES Atrast saderības
Sport-related phrasal verbs
Sport-related phrasal verbs Saderību meklēšana
ed/ing adjectives and emotions
ed/ing adjectives and emotions Patiess vai nepatiess
WEATHER Starlight 7 Mod 3a p.44
WEATHER Starlight 7 Mod 3a p.44 Viktorīna
Verbs with Infinitive AND Gerund
Verbs with Infinitive AND Gerund Nejaušības ritenis
Writing an Article
Writing an Article Kārtošana grupās
EDUCATION phrasal verbs B1-B2
EDUCATION phrasal verbs B1-B2 Pabeidziet teikumu
Money Management for Teens
Money Management for Teens Pabeidziet teikumu
Optimise B1+ Unit 6_Health_Problems
Optimise B1+ Unit 6_Health_Problems Saderību meklēšana
starlight 9 module 1c gateway to America
starlight 9 module 1c gateway to America Saderību meklēšana
TECH & SOCIAL MEDIA B1-B2 Vocab Kārtošana grupās
MAKE&DO: Match and replace * with MAKE or DO
MAKE&DO: Match and replace * with MAKE or DO Saderību meklēšana
Module 1a Starlight 9
Module 1a Starlight 9 Saderību meklēšana
FCE Speaking Part 3
FCE Speaking Part 3 Kārtošana grupās
EDUCATION B2 Vocab Saderību meklēšana
Reporting verbs (common patterns followed by verbs)
Reporting verbs (common patterns followed by verbs) Kārtošana grupās
ЕГЭ - essay writing language
ЕГЭ - essay writing language Kārtošana grupās
Relationships IELTS part 2 speaking (no prompts)
Relationships IELTS part 2 speaking (no prompts) Nejaušības ritenis
WORK B2 Vocab
WORK B2 Vocab Patiess vai nepatiess
MONEY B2 Vocab
MONEY B2 Vocab Kārtošana grupās
My Flatmate Profile (Speak Out B2 p.8-9)
My Flatmate Profile (Speak Out B2 p.8-9) Pabeidziet teikumu
starlight 9 1f translation
starlight 9 1f translation Saderību meklēšana
Global warming/ climate change - essential vocabulary
Global warming/ climate change - essential vocabulary Atrast saderības
starlight 10 1.3 sports vocabulary
starlight 10 1.3 sports vocabulary Saderību meklēšana
Starlight pp.64-65 vocab
Starlight pp.64-65 vocab Atrast saderības
Essay vs. Article (B1-B2)
Essay vs. Article (B1-B2) Kārtošana grupās
Phrasals w/BREAK & BRING (Starlight 7)
Phrasals w/BREAK & BRING (Starlight 7) Viktorīna
Modals of Probability
Modals of Probability Diagramma ar etiķetēm
Easily confused expressions with MOST
Easily confused expressions with MOST Diagramma ar etiķetēm
ed/ing adjectives B1
ed/ing adjectives B1 Nejaušības ritenis
PHRASALS with UP/DOWN Kārtošana grupās
Verbs with Infinitive AND Gerund
Verbs with Infinitive AND Gerund Saderību meklēšana
star 9 scavengers
star 9 scavengers Saderību meklēšana
Health & Body B1-B2
Health & Body B1-B2 Kārtošana grupās
starlight 9 1f
starlight 9 1f Saderību meklēšana
Module 1a Starlight 9 translation
Module 1a Starlight 9 translation Saderību meklēšana
Adjectives to describe PLACES
Adjectives to describe PLACES Saderību meklēšana
Health problems & Symptoms B1-B2 (Click On 3)
Health problems & Symptoms B1-B2 (Click On 3) Viktorīna
FCE B2 Phrasal verbs
FCE B2 Phrasal verbs Atrast saderības
Cambridge B2 Speaking Part 3: Agreeing & Disagreeing
Cambridge B2 Speaking Part 3: Agreeing & Disagreeing Kārtošana grupās
Time words for stories
Time words for stories Nejaušības ritenis
Personality Adjectives (suitable for job descriptions)
Personality Adjectives (suitable for job descriptions) Krustvārdu mīkla
Optimise B1+_Unit 7_Vocabulary 1
Optimise B1+_Unit 7_Vocabulary 1 Saderību meklēšana
OB1+_Unit 7_Speaking
OB1+_Unit 7_Speaking Saderību meklēšana
OptimiseB1+_Unit 8_Vocabulary 1
OptimiseB1+_Unit 8_Vocabulary 1 Saderību meklēšana
HOW DO I FEEL? Read your card and act out 2 emotions/feelings at the same time!
HOW DO I FEEL? Read your card and act out 2 emotions/feelings at the same time! Nejaušās kārtis
linkers for ESSAYS
linkers for ESSAYS Anagramma
WORD FORMATION: Adj. to Noun B2 Kārtošana grupās
Perfect tenses revision
Perfect tenses revision Diagramma ar etiķetēm
prepositions match
prepositions match Viktorīna
WORK vocabulary B2-C1: make examples/ sort/ define
WORK vocabulary B2-C1: make examples/ sort/ define Nejaušās kārtis
ed/ing (Objective IELTS Intermediate p.23)
ed/ing (Objective IELTS Intermediate p.23) Nejaušības ritenis
Unit 14 Articles B1 Macmillan Verbitskaya
Unit 14 Articles B1 Macmillan Verbitskaya Viktorīna
B1  Appearance
B1 Appearance Viktorīna
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