
1st Grade Phonics Barton

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Barton 2.2 Read Words
Barton 2.2 Read Words Saderīgie pāri
3.7 Phrases Sort
3.7 Phrases Sort Kārtošana grupās
Funny Animal Boom - Letter Sounds  Barton Level 1
Funny Animal Boom - Letter Sounds Barton Level 1 Nejaušās kārtis
Barton 2.5
Barton 2.5 Saderīgie pāri
Practicing Addition to 10 (first grade)
Practicing Addition to 10 (first grade) Viktorīna
Barton 2.3
Barton 2.3 Saderīgie pāri
Barton 2.2 Letter/Sound
Barton 2.2 Letter/Sound Spēļu viktorīna
Let's Go to the Moon Sight Word Practice
Let's Go to the Moon Sight Word Practice Pabeidziet teikumu
2.3 Phrase Boom!
2.3 Phrase Boom! Nejaušās kārtis
2.2 Boom!
2.2 Boom! Nejaušās kārtis
2.1 Boom!
2.1 Boom! Nejaušās kārtis
Barton 4.05 Rule Review
Barton 4.05 Rule Review Viktorīna
Barton 3.08 NG NK Units
Barton 3.08 NG NK Units Lidojošie augļi
Barton 3.11 All Unit Review
Barton 3.11 All Unit Review Spēļu viktorīna
Barton 6.01 Closed/Silent-E
Barton 6.01 Closed/Silent-E Trāpiet kurmim
Barton 2.5
Barton 2.5 Uzvaras vai zaudēšanas viktorīna
Barton 2.5
Barton 2.5 Saderību meklēšana
Barton 3.02 Blends at the Beginning
Barton 3.02 Blends at the Beginning Pabeidziet teikumu
Barton 6.03 CE GE
Barton 6.03 CE GE Uzvaras vai zaudēšanas viktorīna
Barton 4.13 OW EW
Barton 4.13 OW EW Karātavas
Barton 4.12 AY EE
Barton 4.12 AY EE Karātavas
Barton 4.13 OW EW
Barton 4.13 OW EW Saderīgie pāri
5.1 Boom!
5.1 Boom! Nejaušās kārtis
Barton 3.6 Watch Out Vowels
Barton 3.6 Watch Out Vowels Spēļu viktorīna
2.5 Phrase Boom!
2.5 Phrase Boom! Nejaušās kārtis
3.2 B & D Confusion
3.2 B & D Confusion Viktorīna
2.4 Boom!
2.4 Boom! Nejaušās kārtis
2.5 Boom!
2.5 Boom! Nejaušās kārtis
Short Vowel Quiz
Short Vowel Quiz Viktorīna
Star Wars Digraph flash cards:  Read & flip to complete your mission and collect your reward.  Avoid the Dark Side.
Star Wars Digraph flash cards: Read & flip to complete your mission and collect your reward. Avoid the Dark Side. Atmiņas kāršu spēle
Short i Long i
Short i Long i Kārtošana grupās
an/am Viktorīna
Glued Sounds
Glued Sounds Kārtošana grupās
-dge & -ge
-dge & -ge Saderīgie pāri
ABC Order - HFW
ABC Order - HFW Kārtošana pēc pozīcijas
Fundations Sound Cards & Digraphs
Fundations Sound Cards & Digraphs Nejaušās kārtis
Multisyllabic Words with Suffixes
Multisyllabic Words with Suffixes Saderīgie pāri
Long I Silent E
Long I Silent E Anagramma
Visual Discrimination- Find the 2 Matching Words.
Visual Discrimination- Find the 2 Matching Words. Viktorīna
Avoid the Sith: Star Wars Digraphs- Read & flip to complete your mission and collect your reward.  Sith are stoppers.
Avoid the Sith: Star Wars Digraphs- Read & flip to complete your mission and collect your reward. Sith are stoppers. Elementu apvēršana otrādi
Closed Syllable vs Not Closed Syllable #1
Closed Syllable vs Not Closed Syllable #1 Kārtošana grupās
Short vowel sentences
Short vowel sentences Nejaušās kārtis
ou word matching (high-frequency sound)
ou word matching (high-frequency sound) Saderību meklēšana
Tt, Mm, Aa Sound Sort
Tt, Mm, Aa Sound Sort Kārtošana grupās
FIS 02 /f/ /v/
FIS 02 /f/ /v/ Kārtošana grupās
CVC sentences mystery game
CVC sentences mystery game Atrast saderības
Barton 4.14 EE AI OA
Barton 4.14 EE AI OA Saderīgie pāri
Barton 4.1 - 4.5 (words are divided) - Funny Animal Boom
Barton 4.1 - 4.5 (words are divided) - Funny Animal Boom Nejaušās kārtis
Barton 3.08 NG NK Units
Barton 3.08 NG NK Units Saderīgie pāri
7.4 Prefix Definition Review
7.4 Prefix Definition Review Viktorīna
Barton 6.03 CE SE
Barton 6.03 CE SE Uzvaras vai zaudēšanas viktorīna
1-2 OG SDS - Closed Syllable Whack-A-Mole
1-2 OG SDS - Closed Syllable Whack-A-Mole Trāpiet kurmim
1-7 OG SDS Lesson - Beginning (Initial) S Blends (2 Letters Only) Reading Sort
1-7 OG SDS Lesson - Beginning (Initial) S Blends (2 Letters Only) Reading Sort Atrast saderības
Barton 2.4
Barton 2.4 Karātavas
1-7 OG SDS Lesson - Beginning (Initial) L Blends Sort
1-7 OG SDS Lesson - Beginning (Initial) L Blends Sort Saderību meklēšana
1-7 OG SDS - Beginning (Initial) 3 Letter Blends (No ending blends, but does have H Brothers, FLSZ and -ck)
1-7 OG SDS - Beginning (Initial) 3 Letter Blends (No ending blends, but does have H Brothers, FLSZ and -ck) Kārtošana grupās
Barton 2.2 Letter/Sound
Barton 2.2 Letter/Sound Uzvaras vai zaudēšanas viktorīna
Level 3 Review Nonsense Words
Level 3 Review Nonsense Words Atveriet kastīti
short /o/ cvc wds
short /o/ cvc wds Anagramma
1.1 What is the middle sound?
1.1 What is the middle sound? Viktorīna
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