What are the basic components of sales? - The contracting parties, The price and the goods, and The words of the contract The words of the contract , A sale falls into two broad categories, what are they? - Mun'aqid and Ghayr Mun'aqid, What does Mun'qid mean? - Concluded/ contracted sale, What does Ghayr Mun'aqid? - Not contracted at all, What does Bay' Sahih mean? - Valid sale, Effective sale falls into two categories, what are they? - Laazim and Ghayr Laazim, What does بيع المال بالثمن mean? - The sale of property for cash, What does بيع الصرف mean? - The exchange of money for money, or of gold and silver, What does بيع المقايضة mean? - The exchange of property for property other than cash, What does بيع السلم mean? - Exchange of cash for goods to be supplied at a specified future date, What does بيع المساومة mean? - A straight forward sale where the coast price is not known, What does بيع المرابحة mean? - A sale where the coast price is known to the buyer and the item is sold at a profit., What does بيع الاستنصاع mean? - A sale where the commodity is transacted before it comes into existence., What does ربا النسيئة mean? - Which is paid to the lender in return for the delay in payment which was stipulated as a condition for the loan., What does ربا الفضل mean? - Which occurs in exchange for a specific same type of commodities and encountered hand to hand purchase and sale., What does Riba mean? - Excess, increase, or addition, What does Riba al-qurood mean? - The usury of loans, What does Riba al-buyoo' mean? - The usury of trade,
Unit 16 for high school
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