to spur - to make an improvement or change happen faster, dip a/your toe in (the water) - to start very carefully to do or become involved in something that you are not experienced at, feasible - is possible and is likely to work, hectic - very busy or full of activity, frantic - extremely worried and frightened about a situation, so that you cannot control your feelings, wedge - a piece of wood, metal etc that has one thick edge and one pointed edge and is used especially for keeping a door open or for splitting wood, to morph - to develop a new appearance or change into something else, or to make something do this, to plug into - to realize that something is available to be used and use it, stardom - the state of being a famous performer, naysayer - someone who says something is not possible, is not good, or will fail, disenfranchised - not having any rights, especially the right to vote, and not feeling part of society, outgrow - to grow or increase faster than someone or something else, dash - to go or run somewhere very quickly, chasm - a big difference between two people, groups, or things, modesty - the quality of not talking about or not trying to make people notice your abilities and achievements,
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