Name a coping skill you've learned from group, Name one of your strengths, Tell someone in the group one of their strengths, Say something kind to yourself outloud, right now, Name a meditation tool you can use, Name one interesting thing you're taking away from group, Tell us something that was hard to talk about with group, What's one way you can be creative?, Name one activity you can do mindfully, Tell us about one thing you learned from another group member, What is an example of a boundary you can set for self-care?, Name a defect that you can also use as an asset, What was Jaime's kitten's name?, What famous psychologist made the Hierarchy of Needs?, Demonstrate your favorite breathing technique, Who is the author of Journey to the Heart (Jaime's meditation book), What was the name of Jessie's creativity project we did?, What's one way you can take care of your physical self?, What's one way you can take care of your social self?, Demonstrate your favorite grounding technique, What's one way to defend yourself without physical violence?, What's one goal you want to continue working on for your self-care?, Do you have any suggestions to add to this group (topics, etc.)?, What's the name of that big nerve that runs through your whole body and you can activate to help ground yourself?, What's one self-care app you have on your phone?, What was your favorite thing off the virtual Wellness Space?, Name one activity of self-care you can do according to your self-love languages.
Self-Care Group Game
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