What is your favorite thing to do with friends?, When is your birthday?, What's your favorite fast food restaurant? , If you could have one super power, what would it be? , What is your dream job? , Name one of your favorite songs? , If you could travel to any other country outside of the US, where would you go? , Tell us your favorite (or most Dad/lame) joke!, What is your favorite weird food combination?, What's your favorite TV show and why? , What is your favorite quote?, Your ideal gift?, Do you have any siblings?, What's your favorite subject in school and why? , Least favorite restaurant/candy/fruit?, If you could be any animal, what would you be?, Name one GOOD thing that came out of 2020!, What is your opinion on mayonnaise?, If you were famous, what would you want it to be for?, You get one meal to eat for the rest of your life.. What is it?, Is cereal soup? Why or why not?, Do you consider yourself to be more of a goat or a chicken?, What is your least favorite food?, If you drop a bar of soap is the floor clean or soap dirty?, When is your birthday?, Favorite sauce?, Who is your favorite fictional character?, Pizza or hamburgers?, Would you want to be a song writer, singer, or producer?, Do you play any sports?, What's your favorite show genre?, If you could play any song on the guitar, what would it be?, What would you want to be remembered for?, Where would you like to go to college? OR what is your dream career?, Soda or sparkling water?, What games do you play?, What is your favorite beverage?, What is your favorite guitar/music genre?, Who is your celebrity crush/idol?, Where does a thought go once it's forgotten?, Are hot dogs sandwiches?, What is one thing you want to do in the future?, Do animals think we shed our skin when we change out clothes?, Who is your favorite twitch streamer/youtuber?, What is the best way to vibe?, What are your favorite pizza toppings?, What is the best day of the week?, What is your favorite hair style?, Do you dance?, Do you have any strange fears?.
Wheel! Of! Icebreakers!
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