Compare and Contrast Text Structure: Text that discusses the similarities and differences between 2 or more subjects., Clue words: like, both, neither, on the other hand, in contrast, same, different, , Video games and apps have a lot in common, yet, have many differences. Both can be used for entertainment. While apps sometimes require you to spend more money, most video games do not require that., Cupcakes and ice cream are both dessert options. They both come in many flavors. Cupcakes can be stored at room temperature, while ice cream needs to be kept in the freezer., Football and soccer both require a ball to play. Football players must wear a helmet, while soccer players don't have to., Not Compare and Contrast Text Structure: Text that provides details of events in the order in which they happened., Clue words: causes, because, since, as a result, if/then, due to, therefore, reason, , Video games are a favorite pass time for today's youth. They are fun and entertaining! They come in a variety of genres and can be played on a multitude of platforms., There were so many people coming to the party, I don't know which cupcakes to make. The solution came to me in a flash! Just make many different kinds!, If you are playing baseball and you see lightning, you should head indoors. Lightning can be dangerous and is attracted to the metal bats.,
Compare and Contrast Text Structure
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