1) What word is used to describe volume in music? a) Dynamics b) Texture c) Timbre d) Duration e) Silence f) Structure 2) What word is used to describe note length in music? a) Dynamics b) Texture c) Timbre d) Duration e) Silence f) Structure 3) What word is used to describe the high and low of notes in music? a) Dynamics b) Pitch c) Timbre d) Duration e) Dynamics f) Structure 4) What word is used to describe how the music is put together? a) Dynamics b) Pitch c) Timbre d) Duration e) Dynamics f) Structure 5) What word is used to describe the tone colour of the music? a) Dynamics b) Pitch c) Timbre d) Duration e) Dynamics f) Structure 6) What word is used to describe the number of instruments in the music? a) Dynamics b) Pitch c) Timbre d) Duration e) Dynamics f) Texture

Elements of Music


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