Respiratory System - The system that brings oxygen into the body and releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, Lungs - Either of the two main organs of the respiratory system, Respiration - The exchange of gases between the body and the outside air, Pharynx - Throat, Trachea - Windpipe, Bronchus - Structures that take air into the lungs, Alveoli - Air enters the _____ and oxygen goes through the wall of the _____ and into the blood, Circulatory System - The system that circulates blood throughout the body, Blood Vessels - Tubular structures that carry blood through tissues and organs, Heart - Hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system, Septum - A wall of tissue that separates the left and right side of the heart., Atrium - Each upper chamber of the heart, Pacemaker - Group of cells that send signals to control heart rate, Ventricle - Each lower chamber of the heart, Valves - Flaps of tissue that stops blood from flowing backwards; separates the atria and ventricles, Arteries - Vessels that carry blood away from the heart, Veins - Vessels that carry blood to the heart, Capillaries - Branching blood vessels that connect arteries and veins, Blood - Fluid connective tissue that circulates through the blood vessels in the body, Plasma - Fluid in which blood cells, proteins, and other substances are suspended and transported , White Blood Cells - Blood cells that fight diseases, Platelets - Blocks blood from exiting wounds, Red Blood Cells - Keep tissues alive by bringing oxygen to and taking carbon dioxide out,
Respiratory & Circulatory Systems
6th Grade
Body Systems
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