I hope Tom is going to be OK., I used to eat a lot of meat., I honestly didn't know Tom would be here., I need to buy a gift for Tom., Let me show you how I do it., I don't think you should see Tom anymore., I want to buy a gift for Tom., Do you want to give it a go?, Tom spends way too much time goofing off., I know it means a lot to Tom., Can I talk to you for a sec?, Tom won't come to Boston until next week., I may have to get rid of Tom., I told you to get a new one., Tom was surprised by what Mary asked him., I'm on my way to pick Tom up., I hate to say I told you so., Tom never knew that I secretly hated him., Tom said he had a job for me., I can see a man and a woman., You're the only one who can convince Tom., Tom and I go back a long way., We have a lot to live up to., I've already decided to give this to Tom., Is Tom going to do it or not?, You know it as well as I do., I thought you'd be out searching for Tom., I have to ask Tom to help us., I wish I had a lot of money., Tom wanted Mary to clean the living room., Tom is not who he says he is., I only did what I had to do., Tom was waiting to see what would happen., I did what Tom told me to do., All I can do is try my best., I'm pretty sure I'll never see Tom again., When do I get to talk to Tom?, How can I get a hold of you?, Tom didn't know what was really going on., Let me go in and talk to Tom., Let me see if I can find it., Tom lives in the southern part of Boston., Tom told me I had to go home., Is it OK if I bring a guest?, Tom Jackson is the richest man in Boston., I told Tom what he had to do., I want to be in a rock band., Tom wants to eat Italian food for dinner., I told Tom it was a bad idea., I have to do the best I can.,
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