I owe what I am today to you., I never really asked Tom what he thought., I can run as fast as Tom can., I have a lot of things to do., Tom says he can't do anything about that., We help Tom in a lot of ways., I have to do a lot of things., Tom said he wanted to give you something., Tom was sort of shy as a kid., I want to ask a favor of you., Tom wondered what Mary wanted him to say., Tom has as many cats as I do., I want to drink a cup of tea., Tom has apparently not yet paid his rent., Tom has found a way to do it., I have a bad pain in my back., I don't think Tom has a driver's license., Tom is a guy you can lean on., I have a cold sore on my lip., Have you wondered why Tom is always late?, This is why I want Tom to go., He is not what he used to be., Tom wondered what Mary would say to John., Tom is a teacher and so am I., He has a lot of things to do., I didn't realize Tom was in the hospital., Tom is a lot older than I am., He had a lot of things to do., Tom didn't like it when Mary ignored him., Tom says he has a lot to say., He acts as if he were a king., Tom began to tell Mary what had happened., Tom can do that and so can I., Is it okay if I take a break?, Tom would've done the same thing you did., Tom and I did what we had to., Do you have a coat and a hat?, Tom came back just in time for Christmas., I was on the same bus as Tom., I want to live in a big city., Tom and his wife don't have any children., I want Tom to do that for us., Can you give me a cup of tea?, Tom wondered where Mary had put his cane., I want Tom to do that for me., He is twice as old as she is., The truth is Tom isn't really my brother., I told Tom what I want to do., Do I have to go to the party?, Tom sent money to his daughter to Boston.,
set06 - 7&8-word English sentences to unjumble - układanie angielskich zdań
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