Cell - the smallest unit of an organism that can perform life functions; may be specialized such as nerve, blood, or bone cells, Tissues - similar type cells that perform the same function (e.g. all muscle tissue contracts); four types - nerve, muscle, epithelial, connective, Organs - a structure made up of different types if tissues that work together to do a specific job; e.g. the heart is made of muscle and connective tissue, Organ System - a group of two or more organs working together for a specific job; e.g. the digestive system, Structure - The arrangement of parts (cells, organs, organ systems, etc.) in an organism, Circulatory System - the body system responsible for carrying materials through out the body; major organs include heart, blood vessels, Respiratory System - the body system in which oxygen is brought into the body and carbon dioxide is released; major organs include nose, trachea, bronchi, lungs, diaphragm, Digestive System - the body system that takes in, breaks down, and absorbs nutrients that are necessary for growth and maintenance; major organs include mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestines, large intestines, rectum/anus, Excretory System - the body system that helps rid the body of wastes, toxins, and excess water or nutrients; major organs include kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, skin, and lungs, Nervous System - the body system of specialized cells that carry messages throughout the body; directs behavior, movement, and processes of the body; major organs include brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, Muscular System - the body system that supports the body and enables it to move; major organs include skeletal muscles, smooth muscles, cardiac muscles, Skeletal System - the body system that protect and supports the body; has five functions - provides shape and support, allows movement, protects tissues and organs, stores certain materials, produces blood cells; major organs include the bones, Integumentary System - the body system that covers and protects the body; major organ is the skin and includes hair and nails, Epithelial Tissue - type of tissue that can be found in the epidermis, dermis, and lining of the intestine?, Connective Tissue - This tissue stores essential vitamins and nutrients for use in the body. Blood is considered to be this type of tissue., Nervous Tissue - This type of tissue conducts IMPULSES and transmits electricalchemical signals throughout the body to direct movement and function., Muscle Tissue - A body tissue that contracts or shortens, making body parts move.,
Human Body Systems
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