personal grooming, it's disrespectful, it creates a good impression, it's inconsiderate, it's over the top, it's a way of showing respect, feel awkward, it's revolting, it's overly familiar, it's considered gentlemanly, it's sexist, it's not the done thing, it's a real turn-off, it's unhygienic, it's unprofessional, it seems pushy, it's offensive, it could be misinterpreted, it's completely taboo, call smb by their first name, cuddling in public, it's infuriating, frumpy clothes, love handles, flattering portrait, bad hair day, overdressed person, fashion victim, inner beauty, charisma, style makeover, it must have been love, I could have died, It can't have been easy, It might have been true, you should have told me!, to gabble nervously, to dry up, make a small talk, to circulate, make smb feel at ease, make eye contact, beome over-apologetic, crack a joke, to pause from time to time, giggle nervously, act cool and nonchalant, stumble over your words, get emotional, look stiff, to blush, to sweat, talk the problem over with smb, close up and refuse to discuss it, resent people who try to help, get defensive, pull yourself together, mind your own business!, be supportive, drop a hint, make patronising comments, loose your patience, make tactful suggestions, get the sack, be at your wits end.
Cutting Edge Advanced Unit 5
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