Boycott - refuse to sponsor; refuse to do business with, Freedom Riders - activists who rode buses through parts of the South in order to protest racial segregation, Brown vs. Board of Education - segregation of children in public schools is illegal, Jim Crow Laws - It was stated that things would be separate but equal., civil disobedience - refusal to obey a law because the law is immoral , Desegregate - open (a place) to members of all races and ethnic groups, Discriminination - unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice, Retaliate - to get back at someone, usually througha counterattack., Defiance - when someone or a group openly challenges authority , oppression - Authority or power in a cruel or unjust manner , KuKluxKlan - A secret hate group in the South, intend - have in mind as a purpose, Solemn - dignified and somber in manner or character, clutch - hold firmly, usually with one's hands, justify - defend, explain, or make excuses for by reasoning, Quiver - move back and forth very rapidly, inclined - having a preference, disposition, or tendency, Integrity - having a sound moral character; honest, Suspect - regard as untrustworthy,
6th unit 3 wordwall
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