library - A place we go to check out books, inventory - A list of how much we have of something, victory - A win is a ____, February - The second month of the year, machinery - A lot of machines , military - The army is an example of this, imaginary - Make believe, directory - A collection of phone numbers, lavatory - Another word for bathroom , ordinary - Something that is plain and simple, necessary - Something that is required, secretary - This person's job is to take notes , stationary - If I stand still I am ___, scenery - The ___ is beautiful around here, century - 100 years, January - 1st month of the year, mystery - Some students in this class love this book genre, dormitory - A place to sleep , bravery - If you have a lot of courage you have a lot of ____, grocery - I go to this kind of store for food ,

-ary, -ery, -ory


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