Gestalt Principles - The whole of an object is different than the sum of its parts., Figure-Ground - The relationship created by the way our eyes distinguish between the foreground and background, Continuity - When the eye is compelled to move through one object and continue to another object., Proximity - When elements are placed close together. They tend to be perceived as a group., Closure - When an object is incomplete or a space is not completely enclosed. If enough of the shape is indicated, people perceive the whole by filling in the missing information., Monocular Cues - Only needs one eye to be perceived, Binocular Cues - Needs both eyes to be perceived, Linear Perspective - The tendency to see parallel lines as coming closer together or converging as they move away from us, Relative Size - perception that something is farther away because it looks smaller than an object in the foreground that we assume is similar in size, Relative Clarity - clear objects appear closer than blurry or fuzzy object, Interposition - the perception of one object as being in front of another, Shadows/Lights - give us perception of where an object is located relative to a light source, Texture Gradient - the surface quality and appearance of an object, Motion Parallax - monocular cue that makes objects closer to us appear to move faster than those further away, Stroboscopic Motion - created by showing the rapid progression of images or objects that are not moving at all, Retinal Disparity - the difference in angles that causes your eyes to see the same object in a slightly different way, Convergence - as objects get closer your eyes turn inward to view it, Size Constancy - the tendency to perceive an object as being of one size no matter how far away the objects is, Color Constancy - the tendency to perceive objects as keeping their color even though different light might change the appearance of their color, Shape Constancy - the knowledge that an item has only one shape no matter what angle you view it from, Brightness Constancy - the tendency to perceive an object as being equally bright even when the intensity of the light around it changes, Phi Phenomenon - hen lights next to each other blinking on and off in succession appear to actually move., Similarity - people think of similar objects as belonging together, Common Fate - states that humans perceive visual elements that move in the same speed and/or direction as parts of a single stimulus,
Perception Organization
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