1) Apparently, you’re the most intelligent person in your family. Is that right?  2) There are rumours that it might rain today, what do you think? 3) Someone in the class said that you may change jobs by this time next year. Is that you want to do? 4) There are said to be more Chinese bars than Polish ones in Krakow, Why do you think that the Chinese community favour this type of business? 5) You are understood to be very dissatisfied with your current accommodation. Is this true? 6) It would appear that Michael Jackson did some very very bad things. Does that affect your enjoyment of his music? 7) It’s been reported by some newspapers that coffee is good for you and by others that it’s bad? What do you feel – deep down – is the truth? 8) It is said that vaccinations are bad for children’s health. Do you believe this or do you think that it’s a conspiracy theory? 9) It would appear that North Korea has nuclear weapons. Does this disturb your sleep? Are you worried about a nuclear apocalypse? 10) Interest in history is said to be declining. Do you like studying history and why do you think it’s important or unimportant? 11) It is said that depression is much more common in our generation than our parents. Do you agree and why do you think this is/is not the case? 12) There are said to be more and more men who use male makeup (The Guardian 2018/oct/13). Do you think this is good or bad?

C1 Distancing speaking EXTRA


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