magnetic - This piece of metal is _____________., athletic - These people are all _______________., cosmetics - She has lots of _____________., public - This is the __________ library., comic - Look at this Thor __________., comical - This costume is very funny; it's ______________., ethical - It was the _____________ choice., cosmic - The ________ rays of light reached the earth., rustic - This old, _________ cabin had an outhouse nearby., classic - You should read these ___________ books., classical - He likes listening to _____________ music., exotic - She wants to travel to an __________ place., critic - The food _________ gave them 5 stars., crtitical - He is so ___________ of what I do., logical - Can cats think in a __________ way?, tragic - The ending to the play was so sad. It was _________., tropical - She went to a ___________ island., frantic - She felt very __________ when she was in a rush. , frolic - The girl loved to _________ in the meadow., tactic - Every night he used a different ___________ to try to stay up late., metric - We measure things using the __________ system., basic - You can get this _______ math problem correct., cubic - We measure the volume of water in a pool using _________ meters., plastic - The toy was made of __________. , authentic - Is this an ____________ diamond?,
ic words (+al suffix) (picnic rule)
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