Draw a llama surfing, Draw a shark eating cupcake, Draw a pug on a treadmill, Draw a lizard putting on lipstick, Draw a lobster dancing, Draw a cat playing a sport, Draw a chicken skydiving, Draw a person with fruit in their hair, Draw a basketball player dunking a chicken, Draw your teacher as zombie, Draw a clown sneezing out flowers, Draw a person with donuts for eyes, Draw yourself as a flying fairy, Draw a Pop Tart lifting weights, Draw a loaf of bread at a disco, Draw a food eating another food, Draw a chicken wings flying, Draw a banana putting on a banana peel, Draw an annoying orange, Draw a peanut and jelly sandwich on vacation, Draw a garden of lolly pops, Draw the strangest pair of eyeglasses ever on a person, Draw a design for a $3 dollar bill, Draw a ferris wheel on top of a mountain, Draw a sweater made out of candy, Draw a pair of shoes made out of flowers, Draw the Statue of Liberty eating pizza, Draw the lighting striking a building, Draw the Eiffel Tower eating a baguette, Draw something other than a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, Draw a troll riding a unicorn, Draw an imaginary friend (not invisible), Draw a dragon breathing rainbows, Draw an alien (or more) driving a car, Draw an elf jumping on a trampoline, Draw an eye with tree branches for lashes, Draw a snowman sailing, Combine two holidays into one, Draw a plant with a face, Draw the moon fighting the sun over a sandwich, Draw a crime scene where a donut is the victim, Reinvent your favorite sport's team logo or make up your own sport w/logo, Draw a cactus in a milkshake, Draw your name as an animal, Eating ice cream on the side of a skyscraper while doing HW.
Wacky Drawing Prompts
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
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