Supreme Law of the Land - the Constitution, 1st 3 words of the Constitution - We the People, An amendment - a change (to the Constitution), 1st ten amendments - Bill of Rights, a right/freedom from the 1st Amendment - religion, Number of amendments the Constitution has - twenty-seven (27), Economic system in US - Market economy, What is the "Rule of Law" - EVERYONE must follow the law, Checks and Balances - stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful, Makes federal laws - Congress, How many US senators are there - 100, Number of US Representatives - 435, The month we vote for President - November, Supreme Court - Highest court in the US, A power of the federal government - to declare war, A power of the states - give a drivers license, last day to send in federal income tax forms - April 15, Reason colonists came to America - freedom (religion), Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived? - Native Americans, Wrote Declaration of Independence - Thomas Jefferson, When Declaration of Independence was adopted - July 4, 1776, What happened at Constitutional Convention - The Constitution was written, When was the Constitution written - 1787, Father of Our Country - George Washington, Territory US bought from France in 1803 - Louisiana, US war between North and South - Civil War, Problem that led to Civil War - Slavery, President during WW1 - Woodrow Wilson, President during WW2 and Great Depression - Franklin Roosevelt, US Territory - Puerto Rico,
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