What’s one thing you did today you’re proud of?, What’s one thing you’re grateful for?, What’s one thing you’re excited about for tomorrow?, How do you transition from work from home to at-home night mode?, What are you doing for dinner?, What’s your morning routine?, What’s your go-to WFH breakfast? Non-workday breakfast?, What time do you usually work out?, What is the most chaotic thing you do as part of your routine?, Cardio or weight training? Why? , Yoga or dancing? Why?, What’s the best meal you had last week?, Have your pets done anything funny lately?, What do you think your dog’s name for you is?, What animal are you most like and why? (Cannot be your favorite animal!), Have you started any new hobbies?, What niche new show are you watching?, Is there an old TV show you’re re-watching? How is it better this time?, What have you been reading?, Have you started any books that have just been unreadable?, What podcasts are you listening to?, What phone apps or games have you been playing?, What is the worst show you’ve been watching that’s secretly very good?, What annoying habit have you noticed your roommate doing?, What annoying habit have you noticed your neighbor doing?, What annoying habit have you noticed your partner doing?, Have you been Instagram-storying a lot more or a lot less?, Debate: Are Instagram likes disappearing good or bad?, Are you on TikTok yet?.
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