Good - Because of this attribute, God offers hope, refuge and care to all who come to Him! , What God plans, happens! - Sovereign, Faithful - God is always there for us!, God's plans never change! - Immutable, Omniscient - God is all knowledgeable of the past, present and the future!, God made everything ! - Creator, Person - Like us, God has identity and personality!, Love - God demonstrated this attribute by sending His only begotten son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as Savior! , God is everywhere in His creation! - Omnipresent, God seeks, forgives and restores those who repent and turn to Him in faith! - Merciful, Savior - God's son, Jesus Christ, freely chose to live the perfect life we cannot, and to die in our place for our sins!, God has always been and always will be! - Eternal, The Holy Spirit of God promises to be near every believer. Whenever you pray, He hears you! - Accessible, God's Holy Word teaches us how we are to live and think. We can trust God to lead us in the right way! - Guide, Perfect - Everything God is, does, and says, are free of fault or defect. His ways are flawless; His judgements are upright; His word is without error!, Grace - Through this attribute, God grants life, families, sunshine, rain, music, talents, etc. as good gifts...even to people who do not love Him., God is Spirit, and we cannot see spirit! - Invisible, Provider - Because He gave His Son, we can trust God to give us everything else we need!, Wise - God always uses His knowledge to do exactly what is right!, God has unlimited power, authority, and influence! - Omnipotent,
God's Attributes!
Bible Study for Kids
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