1) What countries will you have visited by the time you are retired? 2) What irritates you in people/work/city where you live? Use: I wish it/he/they would ...  3) Is there something you bought and regret buying? 4) How long had you been studying English before you joined this group? 5) Are there any tasks you have forgotten to do today? What situations will you never forget doing? 6) What would you have done last week if you had had a vacation? 7) Is there something you wish people would stop doing in your neighborhood? 8) What would you recommend/ suggest if I wanted to get fit? 9) Tell about something you tried doing and succeeded in? 10) What will have changed in the world by 2050? 11) What do people usually apologize for? 12) What would you be doing now if you hadn't come to English class? 13) What is the weather likely to be next week? 14) What will you be doing this time tomorrow? 15) What are you looking forward to? 16) Your friend is absolutely exhausted because of working hard lately. Give him some recommendations. Use 'You'd better...' 17) If you were Advanced in English, would you still continue your study? 18) How would your life be different if the electricity hadn’t been invented? 19) You see your colleague sleeping at workplace. What must/might have happened? 20) Talk about your responsibilities at work or during English classes. Use be obliged to / be allowed to 

SO B2 Final Speaking


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