Uncle Tom's Cabin: Read widely in the North, Fictional narrative written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, Increased Northern and European opposition to slavery, Dred Scott v Sanford: A slave from Missouri, taken into free territory and then returned to South., He was not a citizen and therefore could not sue, had no claim to freedom, Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional., Harper’s Ferry: John Brown, a militant abolitionist, raided the federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry and tried to start a slave uprising throughout the South in 1859., Failed and apprehended by Robert E. Lee-Brown put on trial for treason and hanged., Increased the calls for abolitionism., Lincoln-Douglas Debates: Douglas argued for popular sovereignty despite Dred Scott and Lincoln argued for no slavery in the territories., Lincoln believed that slavery was morally wrong, but said, “I am not, nor have ever been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the whites and blacks.”, The challenger, Abraham Lincoln, challenged the inA series of debates about slavery in the territories during the Illinois Senate race in 1858, Missouri Compromise: Henry Clay - 1820, Maine becomes a free state, No slavery above 36 30 N, Kansas Nebraska Act : popular sovereignty, Stephan Douglas, Bleeding Kansas, Compromise of 1850: California becomes a free state, Fugitive Slave Act, end the slave trade in Washington DC, Election of 1860: Lincoln wins the popular vote, Democratic Party is split over slavery issue, Southern states secede and form Confederacy,
Causes of the Civil War
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