Wiggle your body, Hop like a bunny, Slide from side to side, Jump as high as you can, Reach up to the sky, Sway like the wind, March like a soldier, Stomp like you're squishing a bug, Tip Toe around the space, Kick the air, Swing each body part, Clap to a beat, Spin around in circles, Squat way down low, Shake it out, Reach out to the screen, Spread your arms out to the sides, Punch the air, Take a deep breath, Give yourself a tight hug, Swim like a fish, Slither like a snake, Reach down to touch your toes, Make a circle with your hips , Make big circles with your arms, Move your shoulders, Stretch your arms over to one side , Do jumping jacks.
Movement cool down wheel.
liliana the creator
Its only a movement wheel
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